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About the educators' center

The Educators' Center works to :

  • Provide information about teacher preparation programs for college students and career changers

  • Provide an ongoing assessment of professional development needs in the region via annual surveys of superintendents, principals and teachers

  • Provide professional development options for teachers and administrative staff through workshops and seminars, which will address district-identified needs

  • Provide teachers and administrative staff academic programs leading to advanced degrees, and additional approvals/certificates/endorsements

  • Provide resources to prepare teachers and administrators to be agents for change within their schools

customized work with local schools

The Educators’ Center can assist schools and school districts in Lake County by providing individually tailored solutions to professional development needs.


Lake County Staffing Needs Assessment

The University Center of Lake County conducts a needs assessment surveys of Lake County school districts to understand the current staffing needs at all levels. The results are shared publicly to give the community an understanding of where the greatest gaps occur among the field of education in Lake County. 


bachelor's completion programs


teacher endorsements




graduate programs

Programs of Study for current and future educators

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