Education Technology Specialist, Endorsement
Provides practicing teachers and administrators with the knowledge and skills necessary for integrating digital technologies into classroom teaching and learning. The six courses cover the knowledge and skills required for an ISBE Technology Specialist Endorsement which qualifies those who hold it for building and/or district level technology coordinator positions.
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Admission Requirements
Acceptance to UIS Graduate School as either degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking.
Undergraduate GPA of 3.0/4.0 for full admission
Undergraduate GPA of 2.5/4.0 for conditional admission
Have all transcripts sent to UIS.
Students should apply online at http://www.uis.edu/admissions/applyNow.html by completing the Graduate Student Non-Degree-Domestic & International application.For more information, contact Admissions & Records at (217) 206-6174 or (888) 977-4847.
Delivery Method

Earn this degree right here
at University Center

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