Philosophy, BA
The Philosophy Program at UIS focuses in the areas of core analytic philosophy (philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and related areas) and values (ethics, aesthetics and political philosophy) while providing a sound background in the history of philosophy. The study of philosophy increases an awareness of personal values and the major value conflicts in contemporary society, helps develop an understanding of the nature and limits of various forms of knowledge, and offers experience in critical reflections on major problems of knowledge or value. An undergraduate student may complete a major or minor in philosophy to acquire training in critical thinking and skill in analyzing values; both the major and minor concentration are offered on the UIS campus and online.
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Admission Requirements
Interested students should contact Michelle Kenny for support through admission and registration processes.
Students must have:
A minimum of 30 credit hours (60 hours preferred)
GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale from an accredited college or university
Access to the Internet and possess required computer skills to study online
Completed online application (http://www.uis.edu/admissions) and $50 application fee
Submitted a brief paper (800 to 1200 words) presenting a philosophy problem or area of interest
Submitted a brief Statement of Purpose (100 to 200 words) presenting reasons for selecting the UIS online philosophy major.
Early application is advised as only a limited number of students are admitted each semester.
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